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Arabic Teachers Council in Yorkshire - Led by Rasha Soliman


مجلس مدرسي اللغة العربية في يوركشاير بدعم من مؤسسة قطر الدولية


The Arabic Teachers Council in Yorkshire (ATCY) was the first network of Arabic school teachers to be established in the UK in 2019 with funding from Qatar Foundation International (QFI). The council aims to bring together a community of Arabic teachers from mainstream and supplementary schools who teach Arabic at different levels including exam-focused lessons (i.e. GCSE & A-Levels) to both heritage and non-heritage learners of Arabic. The council includes Arabic teachers from Leeds city as well as the surrounding regions such as Bradford, York, Halifax, Huddersfield, Dewsbury and Sheffield where a considerable number of current and potential Arabic schools exist.


The ATCY's annual activities are decided and run by a steering committee of Arabic teachers representing the participating schools. For the committee to ensure inclusivity, it includes Arabic teachers with a range of experiences representing an adequate number of teachers working in institutions from primary to tertiary levels. Our activities include continuous professional development workshops, networking events, competitions, lesson observations and get-together events to share good practices in Arabic school teaching. Arabic schoolteachers in Yorkshire and beyond can subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates on events and activities and can also join our WhatsApp group to keep updated with opportunities of interest.

ATCY Activities

View all Activities

We organised "EPI, or extensive Processing Instruction ......


We organised "Approaches and methods to teaching Arabic ......


We organised "Speaking Activities That Will Blow Your Socks Off! ......


We organised "Introduction to Arabic A Level Teaching......


We organised "Online Arabic language teaching: where to start?......


ATCY Resources 

Please note that access to resources is available for ATCY members only. Joining the council is free.

If you are an Arabic school teacher and would like to join our council please fill in this form

The activities of the ATCY are fully funded by QFI, and managed and hosted by the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies at the University of Leeds.
To learn more about the ATCY, please get in touch with:Dr Rasha Soliman (the project leader) at:
Nouran Khallaf (the project assistant) at: