Teacher perspectives on the introduction of linguistics in the languages classroom: Evidence from a co-creation project on French, German and Spanish - new article co-authored by Sascha Stollhans
Congratulations to Sascha Stollhans, Director of CELT and Associate Professor of Language Pedagogies in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, and the Linguistics in Modern Foreign Languages Team, whose most recent paper "Teacher perspectives on the introduction of linguistics in the languages classroom: Evidence from a co-creation project on French, German and Spanish" has just been published open access in the British Educational Research Journal!
The co-created materials will soon be available via the Oxford University Press online learning platform Kerboodle.
Sheehan, M., Havinga, A., Kasstan, J., Stollhans, S., Corr, A. and Gillman, P. 2024. Teacher perspectives on the introduction of linguistics in the languages classroom: Evidence from a co-creation project on French, German and Spanish. British Educational Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.4009