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A novel way of teaching French grammar - new publication by Karima Gaci


Congratulations to Karima Gaci, Lecturer in French, on the publication of her recent book chapter, in which she discusses an innovative approach to teaching past participle agreements of pronominal verbs in French.

Karima explains:

In this chapter, I am focusing on the past participle agreement of pronominal verbs in French, which is an inevitable difficulty in French grammar. It is even more difficult when the learners’ first languages have different morphological and semantical characteristics in addition to the learners’ various learning and teaching experiences. I overcome these difficulties by suggesting a different pedagogical approach. To facilitate the understanding of this challenging grammar point, I use drawings which can be considered a new form of grammatical discourse.

Gaci, K. (2023). « Enseigner autrement l’accord des verbes pronominaux ». In F. Kakoyani-Doa & S. Stratilaki-Klein (dir.), Contextualiser la Grammaire du Français Langue Étrangère. Peter Lang, p.87-100.